Free Webinar

Building Your New 90 Day Business Plan

How to Reset During a Global Pandemic 

Hosted by Real Trends Top 500 Real Estate Broker Jim Remley 









What You Will Learn:

The Power of Positive Leadership During Tough Times 

5 Points of a Successful Pivot (and What Not to Do) 

3 Prospecting Techniques No One is Doing but Everyone Should

Finding Your Gaps, Choke Points, and Extinction Level Problems 

How Transparency Can Inspire Action 

The Power of Scheduling, Stacking, and Systems 

Creating a Financial Model for Your Business that Factors in Disruption 

Client Triage - Quickly Discovering Which Clients Need Your Services

Market Research and the Importance of Heat Mapping

Builders, Investors, and Business Owners - Three Market Hot Zones

Learn from Current Real Trends Top 500 Broker Jim Remley

Jim Remley is a nationally recognized expert in the field of residential real estate. Entering the real estate industry at the age of 19 he began an unlikely rise from college drop out to real estate Rock Star by becoming ranked in the top 1% of REALTORS® nationwide. Jim shattered sales records by listing over 150 properties in one twelve month period. At 24 he opened his first Real Estate Company and grew the company to 17 offices becoming the largest independent real estate company in the State of Oregon.

After selling the firm Jim went on to become a sought-after instructor for the National Association of REALTORS as well as the co-founder of the Luxury Home Council. As the author of the prestigious Accredited Luxury Home Specialist Designation (ALHS) and three bestselling books including Sell Your Home in Any Market Jim has appeared on numerous television and radio programs and been interviewed on CNN’s Open House.

Today Jim leads one of the largest real estate firms in the state of Oregon closing 2500 transactions a year and nearly a Billion dollars in sales volume a year with just over 160 active Brokers. As a current Real Trends 500 Broker leading one of the real estate firms in the country Jim has one mission - to create abundance through simplicity of action.



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